Is the applicant a governmental or quasi governmental entity?

Quasi Government Entity

Are the board members elected in a local election or appointed by a governmental entity/official?

Appointed by City Council

How are revenues generated?

From fundraising events, lease revenue and City of Springfield donations of support.

Are they involved in any development or redevelopment projects?

Current DDA redevelopment projects are 405 N. Laurel and 712 N. Laurel St.

Any Salary/Wages?


Are you involved in or presently considering any merger, consolidation, acquisition, divestment or sale of a portion of your business or has a similar transaction been considered or completed in the past 3 years?  If yes please add details.


Do you take any disciplinary action or recommend disciplinary action as a result of credentials certification, accreditation, licensing, peer review or standard setting activities?


Have there been or are you aware of any possible future pending, any civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitration proceedings brought against the organization?  If yes please add details.
